Thursday 10 September 2015

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Sustainable Development Goals

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Sustainable Development Goals

1. The Global Goals are the world’s ultimate to-do list for the next 15 years.

The Global Goals are 17 goals to make this planet a better place by 2030. This means ending extreme poverty, fighting inequality and tackling climate change - sounds good, doesn’t it?

2. The Global Goals are the people’s goals.

 The Global Goals were not compiled behind closed doors by a group of secret masterminds. They have been developed by all the 193 UN Member States, NGOs and people like you, all working together.

3. The Global Goals are – surprise – global.

The Global Goals tackle challenges for all countries across the globe. So whether you are in Nairobi or New York, in Berlin or Bangalore – the Global Goals are for YOU.

4. The Global Goals are hands-on.

The Global Goals are more than wishes for the future. They contain concrete plans on how to change the world, how to pay for it and how to make sure that everybody is on board.

5. The Global Goals will leave no one behind.

17 goals is a lot and there’s a reason why a nice round number like 10 would simply not be enough. The Global Goals  are for people young and old, for cities small and big, for people living in rural areas and people in busy cities… they will leave no one behind.

6. The Global Goals will eradicate extreme poverty.

This is not the first time the world has set objectives to end poverty. The Millennium Development Goals helped cut extreme poverty by half from their establishment in 2000 until today. That is a great achievement – but it is not enough! The Global Goals aim to end it in all its forms and everywhere by 2030. Not only that but they also want to ensure inclusive economic growth and environmental protection for future generations.

7. The Global Goals are one for all and all for one.

No one goal is more important than any other and they all complement each other. For example: access to energy will allow a child to study at night. This energy might come from a solar source so this is also tackling climate change, and the solar panel industry might be helping a developing country grow their economy.

8. The Global Goals will change the way the world does business.

For too long, economic growth has been all about profit. The Global Goals want to transform the world economy so it works without violating workers rights and harming the environment.

9. The Global Goals will address climate change.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time and it affects every country on every continent. This is why the Global Goals aim to get everyone to tackle it together: governments, industries and, well, you.

10. The Global Goals need you.

So that all sounds great - but what is the catch? Well, the world won’t change by itself. It’s not only up to governments to take action, it’s up to all of us - and that includes you. It starts with little things like the good old unplug-your-charger-when-done drill and there is much more.

The more people know about the Global Goals for sustainable development, the more successful they will be. This is why it is up to you to let everybody know! Tell everyone you know about the Goals, what they are and why they matter. For more on the Goals go to:

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